Breuckmann Foundation
Alter Ortsweg 30
D 88709 Meersburg
Telefon: +49 (0)7532 9889
Donation Account
Volksbank Überlingen
DE73 6906 1800 0006 3480 17
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Our Projects on Familiy Planning and SRHR in Northern Malawi
Since the end of 2023, we have been implementing another project with our partner
Pamoza, which is also funded by the BMZ.
The establishment of an advice, information and service centre on sexual and reproductive
health and family planning issues in northern Malawi
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In 2013, we initiated a family planning programme (FPP) in northern Malawi. Since
then, we have been funding projects in the areas of family planning and Sexual and
Reproductive Health and Rights, primarily in the Karonga district and at times in
cooperation with Plan International in the Mzuzu district.
An important goal is the operation of a mobile clinic with qualified medical staff,
which can reach the population outside of towns and larger settlements in particular
and provide medical advice and care.
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As part of this project, a network of specially trained peer groups was set up in
2022 and 2023 with funding from the BMZ, on the basis of which an improved range
of Youth Friendly Health Services can be ensured in the long term and sustainably.
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In 2024, almost 150 visits to health centres, schools and youth clubs took place
as part of our FPP. More than 6,000 women have received modern contraceptives.
The most important result of our FPP so far has been summarised by Group Village
Kamtenthenga, TA Wasambo-Karonga as follows:
In my area, there has been a high prevalence of unplanned pregnancies which often
lead to early marriages. The project has played a significant role in reducing unplanned
pregnancies .
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Improvement of Youth Friendly Health Services
A Councelling Centre on SRHR and Family Planning Issues